Thursday, September 19, 2013

Apparently I'm not an old dog quite yet:

We had the amazing opportunity to trade in our gas guzzlin' car for one that gets 49 mpg!

The major downside is it has one of these:

(Image src)

Clayton LOVES driving manually. I was trained on an automatic. He tried to teach me with his last stick shift but there was never a NEED for me to learn. But in the interest of saving money we needed to SHIFT GEARS (lol) to a cheaper commuter car. We only have one so of course that meant I needed to learn. Because sometimes my husband leaves town and I need to drive places. And this time, there was a countdown! I had to learn how to drive this thing comfortably in less than a week.

But I am confident to report that I have learned a new trick! There is still some finessing to do but I can get from point A to point B.

This is a huge deal for me guys! I was in a pretty bad accident in 07'. Ever since then, I haven't been the most confident driver. The drivers around here are nutso and that doesn't help. Now we throw in a clutch and the whole thing seemed so overwhelming.

But today I successfully completed my first solo on post to freeway drive!

The kids are having to adjust because like always they were being their needy selves, asking me to pick up everything they drop. But a good:

Usually does the trick :)

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