Tuesday, August 19, 2014

"Mommy, do you want me to grow up?"

As I put my son to bed on Sunday, he asked me, "Mommy, do you want me to grow up?"
The response that instantly came into my mind was a resounding, HECK NO!!

This week is a big week for him! He started Kindergarten and is turning 6. 

I paused and thought it over and then said, " I want you to grow up. I want you learn and laugh and love. I want you to be able to have a family one day and feel the things I feel. I want you to know what it feels like to make mistakes. I want you to know what it feels like to overcome them. I want you to watch your children grow. I want you to know the love that can come from being married for all eternity. I want you to spend the many years of your life getting to know your Savior. I want you to be able to share what you know with others. I want you to grow up because the world NEEDS boys like you. Boys who are kind, that stand up for others, that are courageous and strong. While I would love to keep you forever little, more than that I want you to do more, feel more and enjoy life in a way you can't now. It will happen before I know it. I'm not ready for that day. But I know I am doing everything I can to make sure you are ready. And that's the most important thing a mother can do."

Friday, August 1, 2014

August Rabbits: It's finally here...

I would say "Happy Rabbits" but this Rabbits is not so happy...

Dear August...

I've decided I grew up in a special utopia where August is still religiously protected as prime SUMMER territory. But the last two places we have lived have made a blatant attempt to challenge my beliefs that SUMMER is for FUN and AUTUMN is for SCHOOL. I remember growing up and hearing horror stories about how so-and-so's cousin who lives in Arizona started school practically in JULY!! GASP!!! Surely such evil couldn't exist in the United States... the land of the FREE!? 

Am I being dramatic? Of course! But there is a very good reason why I care SO MUCH this year...

Little Man is starting Kindergarten. And I'm a little more than miffed that this whole coming of age situation is basically encroaching on my ideals of Summer. Really, if we were digging a little deeper I would actually admit that the reason I am so put off is because my BABY IS STARTING SCHOOL!! 

Once again I have become THAT MOM I said I would never be. I thought I would be excited to see him go to school... BUT HE'S SO MUCH FUN TO HAVE AROUND!!!

Especially lately as he has decided to finish most of his conversations with me with a slight bow and a "Your Highness." Like who wouldn't want that around ALL THE TIME?? It's totally random but I can't say I hate it!

Dear August 2014...