Friday, November 21, 2014

Jesus The Christ

Ever since I first read this INCREDIBLE book I have wanted to make reading it a yearly thing... Well you know what they say about good intentions!

But this year I am actually going to do it! 

I think the Christmas Season to Easter Season is kind of the perfect time to read this book!

I've had several requests for my reading schedule so here it is!!

Back Friday to Christmas: 109 pages to get through to after Christ's birth. 5 pages a day!

Christmas to Easter: 689 pages = 7 pages a day!

The dates won't match up completely but it should get you really close and definitely help you get into the real reason for the season!!

You can read this book online for free HERE

or on your Gospel Library App and the I believe you can download it free when you download the Deseret Book E-book App.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

If this blog was a child...

I would be charged with neglect... SEVERE neglect!

Other things have just taken priority. The writers block also hit me. I am also still trying to figure out how I feel busier with one child gone to school and only one at home...shouldn't I feel like there is less to DO?! 

And you know what?! I am FEELIN' it. BOY am I feelin' it.

Who hasn't in their life right? Probably super awesome, selfless people who never ever think about themselves. Thanks for raising the bar and letting the rest of us feel like failures :)

When I feel run down I dig in my heels and try to fight it with caffeine and more sleep...ok you caught me! Just more caffeine. But eventually my body and mind hit muscle failure and I start thinking about the V-word.


But this is where it really gets pathetic (because you thought I had already reached that level! Psych!)! I don't want some fancy shmancy vacation where I get to lounge on some white sand beach. 

I literally want to spend the day in a hotel room, Animal Planet/HGTV/Food Network white noising it for me in the background, with me and my laptop and PINTEREST. 

That's it. Ok well there would be chocolate too but then I would be set. All day just VEGGING. That sounds like JUST what I need. 

Believe it or not, I have actually lived this fantasy. A couple years ago when I visited my husband in Korea, he had to work and so I got to spend hours pinteresting my little heart away while National Geographic took me on adventures all over the world. It did get boring after day 1 but that first day was epic.

Remember I said there was chocolate?!

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Family Home Evening: Family Coat of Arms Edition

I remember back when I was in a teenager and my family took a trip to the beach. We stayed up most of the night talking about how important family is. My dad talked about how families are like links in a chain and that our goal is to be a strong link in that chain versus, say a paperclip. We talked about how our choices impact our children and our grandchildren and the incalculable number of people that will follow us in this chain.  And then we designed a family crest or coat of arms. 

This is something I have always wanted to do with my little family. A coat of arms was very significant back in the day! It let people know who you were and where you came from. It is what you would put on your shield when you went into battle. The symbols used just drip with meaning and purpose.

So we found a free Coat of Arms Generator. Came up with a family motto. Picked our charges and VIOLA! Our family crest was born!

We chose blue because it represents steadfastness, loyalty and strength. All things we want our family to have. Red is for warriors. We explained to the boys that Satan wants nothing more than to split our family up and that every day we are fighting a battle to keep it together. The blue X is for protection. The band down the center is for bravery. The silver in the shield itself represents cleanliness, wisdom, joy and peace. The crescent in the center was used to represent our hope for greater honor or in other words our hope for exaltation as a family. Our family motto is of course written in Latin but means: Heaven not Earth. Meaning our family is meant for something more. It is forever. It doesn't end here. Clayton chose the dragon which represents how a dragon protects its treasures. Which he is definitely protective so it fits! I chose the bear because I very much am a mommy bear. I will protect and care for my children at all costs. It's also a symbol of health and bravery. Things I want! Little Man chose a snake because he loves them. Snakes symbolize wisdom which fits him very well. Baby Boy chose the lion because he loves tigers. But the lion fits him very well as it represents bravery. This kid has very little fear. 

My plan is to paint it and then frame it so it looks a little more legit and so we have it as a reminder of our goals as a family. It is no secret how important I believe family is. And I love that we now have this crest! So if you need an idea for FHE next week, here you go!

For a great list of what these symbols mean go HERE!!

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

"Mommy, do you want me to grow up?"

As I put my son to bed on Sunday, he asked me, "Mommy, do you want me to grow up?"
The response that instantly came into my mind was a resounding, HECK NO!!

This week is a big week for him! He started Kindergarten and is turning 6. 

I paused and thought it over and then said, " I want you to grow up. I want you learn and laugh and love. I want you to be able to have a family one day and feel the things I feel. I want you to know what it feels like to make mistakes. I want you to know what it feels like to overcome them. I want you to watch your children grow. I want you to know the love that can come from being married for all eternity. I want you to spend the many years of your life getting to know your Savior. I want you to be able to share what you know with others. I want you to grow up because the world NEEDS boys like you. Boys who are kind, that stand up for others, that are courageous and strong. While I would love to keep you forever little, more than that I want you to do more, feel more and enjoy life in a way you can't now. It will happen before I know it. I'm not ready for that day. But I know I am doing everything I can to make sure you are ready. And that's the most important thing a mother can do."

Friday, August 1, 2014

August Rabbits: It's finally here...

I would say "Happy Rabbits" but this Rabbits is not so happy...

Dear August...

I've decided I grew up in a special utopia where August is still religiously protected as prime SUMMER territory. But the last two places we have lived have made a blatant attempt to challenge my beliefs that SUMMER is for FUN and AUTUMN is for SCHOOL. I remember growing up and hearing horror stories about how so-and-so's cousin who lives in Arizona started school practically in JULY!! GASP!!! Surely such evil couldn't exist in the United States... the land of the FREE!? 

Am I being dramatic? Of course! But there is a very good reason why I care SO MUCH this year...

Little Man is starting Kindergarten. And I'm a little more than miffed that this whole coming of age situation is basically encroaching on my ideals of Summer. Really, if we were digging a little deeper I would actually admit that the reason I am so put off is because my BABY IS STARTING SCHOOL!! 

Once again I have become THAT MOM I said I would never be. I thought I would be excited to see him go to school... BUT HE'S SO MUCH FUN TO HAVE AROUND!!!

Especially lately as he has decided to finish most of his conversations with me with a slight bow and a "Your Highness." Like who wouldn't want that around ALL THE TIME?? It's totally random but I can't say I hate it!

Dear August 2014...

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

The Family Night App Review:

I love sharing. Especially when I stumble across something as great as this!

I am not the first Mormon mother to admit that maybe her family's FHE's are less than spectacular. Recently a friend introduced me to a new app she did the design for and it is just what my family nights needed!! It's called "The Family Night App" and it is amazing!

Last night was our first Family Home Evening back from vacation and I was super excited to try out. 

To start you make a profile for every person in your family! You can add pictures for each person. Then you can also customize your agenda. The app automatically assigns members to the tasks you've added to your agenda! 

 Now the coolest parts about this app is in the agenda portion:

For the opening and closing songs, you can click on the music notes and it will take you to the in app music section complete with songs from the Hymnal and the Children's Song Book. And MY FAVORITE part? Click on the song you choose and up pops the sheet music and you can play the accompaniment right from your mobile device! 

Next you can click on the calendar and go over the coming events for the week! It will then take you to your mobile device's calendar! 

The lesson's feature is another huge plus for me! Once you click on the lessons section you can choose  "Gospel" and that will take you to the app's Pinterest page of FHE lesson ideas. Or select "By Topic" if you want ideas for a specific topic. Selecting "FHE Manual" will take you directly to the church's official family night manual! (I didn't even know they had one!!) Lessons right at your finger tips!! A HUGE blessing!! 

Select "Activities" and you will taken to the app's Pinterest page for activity ideas!!

Finally, we of course can not forget dessert and the creators of this app didn't either! Select treats and you will be taken to the growing selection of dessert ideas from many of your favorites like "Creme de la Crumb" and "Oh Sweet Basil!"

This app is so much fun and easy to use!! It definitely helped me plan our family night and bringing all those resources into one convenient place is SUCH a time saver!! I am so excited for Monday nights now!! This app is available for Apple devices and is only $1.99!!  Definitely check it out!! And be sure to like the Facebook Page for updates!! 

Saturday, June 28, 2014

I thought I would see a rattlesnake at some point...

And today was that day!

I was in the middle of patting my back for hitting the 5k this morning when something slithered almost under foot. You see, I live in the desert.  I run in rattler country. I also run on a gravel path (UGH that I hate that gravel so much!) that would be an excellent spot for a viper to sun bathe... at least I think so, if I was a snake that is. 

This snake was the second largest snake I have ever seen in the wild. The first was a four foot long black thing! And I just about stepped on him. 

I JUMPED! I jumped high enough to make any Olympic high jumper proud! I screamed. I turned back around just in time to see it slither into the grass...

And then I laughed. It is still true. I THOUGHT I had seen a rattlesnake. But at second glance I realized it was simple the biggest garter snake I have ever seen!! 

Catching these guys was a past time in my native land (Oregon). So I got right up close to snap a picture and debated nabbing him to bring home and show the boys. But decided to let nature be. I'm sure I had given him a bad enough start to his day by almost crushing him. No need to make it worse! 

Today was the day I THOUGHT I saw a rattle snake!

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

The Potty Train: The Sequel

This is my second time round on "The Potty Train" and believe you me I was NOT excited when Caden started showing signs he was ready as if to say, "ALL ABOARD!"

The reason as to why I was so reluctant was because I felt I absolutely failed my first son when it came to this milestone. At the time I thought I knew he was ready and maybe on some level he was but emotionally and mentally he had some growing that should've happened before we jumped on the band wagon. But of course I was pregnant and irrational and tried to force it on him when all the signs were there to stop. It took him a good YEAR till we were accident free. (Yes I can be rather stubborn.) And it was horrible. It wasn't until he was finally going on his own that I saw the error of my ways (Stubborn? Yes. Smart? No!). I began seeing articles suggesting that kids aren't physically able to hold their bladders until age 4! Almost half the kids at the normal potty training age can't hold their bladders the whole night through. While I did sticker charts, bribes, time outs... I ignored the fact that he simply just wasn't ready. Thankfully he is turning out to be an amazing kid despite all I am doing! 

So when my second turned two I had no lofty goals or dreams of grandeur of being diaper free anytime soon. I wanted it, for sure! He poops six times a day on a regular basis for crying out loud! But I knew he wasn't ready and I wasn't going to push it. 

He turned three and I still knew he wasn't ready. And that was fine with me! But sure enough, a couple of months later and the train whistle she was a blowin'! So we decided to give it a shot! We tried for a day and it was horrible. He had accident after accident. So at the end of the day, I shrugged my shoulders and said "No big deal!" And we went back to diapers. No kid shaming, no punishments. In my opinion, potty training should be full of praise and excitement. Accidents WILL HAPPEN. And if they are scared or upset by your reaction they will resent the potty. The brain and the bowels still hadn't quite figured out the connection. And that is ok! 

A week later, my mommy gut told me to try again. So with baited breath we tried again! And this time he got it! He was ready. He has had a couple of accidents but nothing major. He gets it. And that's the biggest hurdle with potty training. 

So without further story telling here are my tips from the second time around:

1) If they keep having accident after accident, even if you know they are smart enough to get it, they may not be ready. If they are seriously resisting going on the potty, even fighting it, don't let it become a power struggle! If it becomes a battle, then going to the potty means they've lost and you've won. Going to the potty has to be about them winning! In my opinion, stubbornness and fighting won't win the potty war, patience will.

2) Positive reinforcement: On that very first day we started giving Caden a sucker every time he went pee. Well that back fired. He hadn't finished the first sucker by the time he decided he could push some more pee out. So for him we did a sticker chart for pee (Just a blank piece of paper on the fridge) and he got a sticker each time he peed. He loved this! Every time he got a new sticker we would count how many he had and I would emphasize that he had gone to the potty this many times! It was a way for him to visually see his success! He gets a sucker if he poops mainly because I dread cleaning up poop and he loves suckers so its a win win! Also his older brother gets a sucker when he poops too. And I make sure to let Caden know about his brother's success. "Will got a sucker because he went poop! That is so awesome! He's great at the potty!" 

3) Buy or Make THESE:

They are underwear with an absorbent layer! I can't describe how much I love these! They help so much when an accident does happen because most of it won't end up on your furniture! I saw an idea where someone went and bought the generic cloth diapers and sewed those into the underwear they already had. I'm not a seamstress but I thought it was a great idea!

4) Timer: This time I put Caden on timer. I started with ten minute intervals. Then when I felt he could hold it a little longer I would add 5 minutes. If he had a lot to drink I am might take him potty a little sooner just to avoid an accident. Because the goal is to have more success than misses. But by day three he was doing such a good job holding it (we even ventured out of the house!) that the timer stopped and he goes all on his own! I will remind him still if I feel its been a while since he went but he can tell whether he wants to go or not. 

5) Consequences: This has to be done so carefully. Because you don't want the punishment to overshadow their success. If they feel like a failure they won't try to be better. They will just keep believing they are bad at the potty. For Caden, when I knew he had it down but he'd get distracted playing in his room and have an accident I would remind him that it wasn't ok to go potty in his pants and that if he did it again he would need to sit in a time out. Well he did it again and to time out he went but that was the last accident he had. After the time out I made sure to take him back to the sticker chart and count all the times he has gone potty and praise him for going SO MANY TIMES! I really believe that if you are going to issue out punishments it should be done in a way that doesn't reflect badly on the whole potty experience or lower their self esteem. 

Learning from my past mistakes has made this time around so much better! For me and Caden! These tips won't work for every kid because every kid is different. But this is what worked for me and hopefully if you are struggling on the potty journey, something here can help! 

Monday, May 26, 2014

ColoRADo Adventures: Helen Hunt Falls Hike

We had planned on hiking William's Canyon today (my son thinks its pretty cool to have a canyon!) but when we went to go sign the waiver at Cave of the Winds we were informed that it is closed and has been for two years! (Thanks a lot internet!) So we quickly located another hike and I am glad it worked out in the end! It was steep and had I gone before taking the boys I may not have thought it was something they could handle but they were troopers and had fun...despite Caden getting a pretty nasty scratch on his leg. It had been gorgeous on our trek to the top when we suddenly some thunder cracked overhead.  I'm all like:

"It changes so suddenly. One moment it's paradise, the next it's trying to kill you."

So we booked it down the mountain Snowy River style:

Or something like that :)

Just in time too!

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Missing in Action:

I have taken a bloggy break. Not on purpose but because life just gets busy sometimes. Not only are we in a new place and trying to integrate ourselves into Colorado Society, I started a new diet that is AMAZING, put myself on a cleaning schedule to make sure my house stays PCS ready because you know those army rumors are already circulating, jumped back into home school preschool and making sure Will is all set for kindergarten, training for a 5k, trying to find time to paint, read and work on my photog skills, oh and trying to figure out where we want to go after Clay's contract is up or if we want to stay in (which is probably the least likely). 

I've been busy! But a good busy! Things are going good.

We've been trying to figure out what we want to do for kindergarten for Little Man. We loved the school in Alabama but of course moved and now we are trying to once again weigh our options. My biggest fear is him falling behind or not thinking he is smart because he really is. I worry about that whether I am homeschooling, charter or public! So much to think about...Opinions are greatly appreciated! 

So that's my update for now. Hopefully I can learn to juggle better and will be able to blog more!

Saturday, May 10, 2014

ColoRADo Adventures: Cheyenne Mountain Zoo

My final evaluation of the zoo is that while I felt it was overpriced (I've been to A LOT of zoos) and it wasn't the BEST zoo I've been too, it was still a great place to visit!

Sunday, April 27, 2014


(I love seeing Elder Bednar's Special Witness clip...because WE MET HIM THERE!!)

(Sad news for my Nauvoo family...Dottie's is closed.)

(An unfired brick is called a pug. To dry them they had to rotate them daily which is called hacking. This is hacking a pug!)

(Loved my next door neighbor's house!)

(There is SOOOOO much grass in front of the temple now! It was sad to have no trace of the JSA but I gotta say, seeing the temple more is nice!)