Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Rabbits: August Crazy Edition

I haven't done a Rabbit's post in awhile so here goes nothing!

First off if you don't know what "Rabbits" is, let me explain:

It all started as a European tradition that on the first of every month, you say "Rabbits!" to everyone you see before they say it to you. The more people you get, the more luck you have for the month. 

It has now become a cut throat and diabolical day where family and friends call/text/Facebook/email each other as soon as that clock hits 12:01 am. To give you an idea of how this is escalating: A few months ago, family friends planted blow up bunnies all over my parent's house. Hilarious and awesome!

Sometimes I win...but most of the time I lose. 

But I NEED to win today guys!

 Because August is going to be like:

It's going to be CRAZY!!
 So don't be upset if you call me and I'm all like:

I am also gearing up for the greatest week in TV land, you guessed it:

SHARK WEEK starts this Sunday, so you know where I will be :)

I just want August to be done y'all!

So with that I will say Happy Rabbits-ing and

...with August!

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