Saturday, June 28, 2014

I thought I would see a rattlesnake at some point...

And today was that day!

I was in the middle of patting my back for hitting the 5k this morning when something slithered almost under foot. You see, I live in the desert.  I run in rattler country. I also run on a gravel path (UGH that I hate that gravel so much!) that would be an excellent spot for a viper to sun bathe... at least I think so, if I was a snake that is. 

This snake was the second largest snake I have ever seen in the wild. The first was a four foot long black thing! And I just about stepped on him. 

I JUMPED! I jumped high enough to make any Olympic high jumper proud! I screamed. I turned back around just in time to see it slither into the grass...

And then I laughed. It is still true. I THOUGHT I had seen a rattlesnake. But at second glance I realized it was simple the biggest garter snake I have ever seen!! 

Catching these guys was a past time in my native land (Oregon). So I got right up close to snap a picture and debated nabbing him to bring home and show the boys. But decided to let nature be. I'm sure I had given him a bad enough start to his day by almost crushing him. No need to make it worse! 

Today was the day I THOUGHT I saw a rattle snake!

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