Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Missing in Action:

I have taken a bloggy break. Not on purpose but because life just gets busy sometimes. Not only are we in a new place and trying to integrate ourselves into Colorado Society, I started a new diet that is AMAZING, put myself on a cleaning schedule to make sure my house stays PCS ready because you know those army rumors are already circulating, jumped back into home school preschool and making sure Will is all set for kindergarten, training for a 5k, trying to find time to paint, read and work on my photog skills, oh and trying to figure out where we want to go after Clay's contract is up or if we want to stay in (which is probably the least likely). 

I've been busy! But a good busy! Things are going good.

We've been trying to figure out what we want to do for kindergarten for Little Man. We loved the school in Alabama but of course moved and now we are trying to once again weigh our options. My biggest fear is him falling behind or not thinking he is smart because he really is. I worry about that whether I am homeschooling, charter or public! So much to think about...Opinions are greatly appreciated! 

So that's my update for now. Hopefully I can learn to juggle better and will be able to blog more!


  1. Not that I have vast years of experience at this but here is my two cents. No matter who you ask, someone will always have an opinion. Homeschoolers recommend homeschooling, charter school people recommend charter, and although I haven't really heard many people shout out for public school, some schools in the district are always better than others.
    It can be nerve wracking trying to decide what to do for your kid, wanting to make sure that they have a good start in school, and that horrible things won't happen to them. And when they have a challenging day you will wonder if you made the right choice.
    All I can say is to be flexible, and patient. Do some research into schools, teachers, and homeschooling communities. Choose what you want to do, but then have a back up plan. If he doesn't get into this charter school, what about starting in public, or homeschooling.
    For me, #1 has been perfectly fine in public school. Her only problems are socially related, (funny thing, she isn't ready to have a boyfriend, whew!).
    Number 3 will probably also be fine. Our public school is very good.
    Number 2 is where the problems have kicked in. He's not as quiet as your little guy, but he is sweet and sensitive like him. Socially he has been just fine. I really do think boys have it easier. Academically, this school may not be the best choice for him and actually I am currently looking into alternatives for him. However, this is proving a challenge. Since the school year is almost over I am leaving him in, and will let him start 2nd grade at our public school. If he has the same problems, I will have to figure out my plan B. This has been a year of growth for him, trying to learn patience with others, being a classroom leader, learning to push himself academically, so I wouldn't call the year a total loss, just a hard one, and I think he has learned more lessons other than 19+5.
    No matter what you do, remember you can change it. Look at their uncle who has tried all 3 options!!

  2. Thank you so much Heather! You've addressed all my concerns with your comment. I asked on our ward facebook page for advice and everyone said the school here is great for Kindergarten. Clayton and I need to talk about it some more and make a choice!

  3. I just reread this and thought of something. When I said that boys have it easier I meant in terms of making friends. Go throw a ball, play tag, and generally someone will join you. Girls can be cliquier even in kindergarten.
